How it generates routes

  • Before Gitlab 12.10 the Pages daemon would rely on a file named config.json located in your project’s directory, that is /path/to/shared/pages/myproject/

  • Now it use GitLab API-based configuration. the Pages daemon sources the domain configuration via an internal API endpoint /api/v4/internal/pages? The response from the API is very similar to the contents of the config.json file:

      "certificate": "--cert-contents--",
      "key": "--key-contents--",
      "lookup_paths": [
              "access_control": true,
              "https_only": true,
              "prefix": "/",
              "project_id": 123,
              "source": {
                  "path": "myproject/",
                  "type": "file"

How it serves content

  1. gitlab-pages command option pages-root specific Directory where the pages are stored, for example: -pages-root="shared/pages"
  2. Gitlab domain source configuration specific the root path, for example: "path": "myproject/"
  3. Use reader.resolvePath to parse URL.subpath
  4. Finally we get the file path shared/pages/myproject/ to serve

