1. Download vs_BuildTools.exe (According to the time, choose the version you need)

Go to here download it.

2. Install necessary component (According to your system, choose the version you need)

  • MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86
  • Windows 11 SDK
  • CMake (Optional)

For example:

3. Open terminal

After installed, you should find Developer PowerShell for VS 2022, click the command, get into the terminal.

4. Generate .sln project by CMake (Optional)

Learn cmake Usage.
Or you can simply go to the directory contains CMakeLists.txt , run cmake . to generate .sln project.

5. Compile .sln project

  • MSBuild MyApp.sln -p:Configuration=Release (Release Version)
  • MSBuild MyApp.sln (Debug Version)
Note: You can get more info by ```MSBuild --help```

Finally you get the executable file can run in windows.