SUB means "under." So, a subway runs under the streets, and a submarine moves under the ocean's surface. A subject is a person under the authority of another. A movies subplot is lower in importance than the main plot. Subscribe once meant "to write one's name underneath," so subscription was the act of signing a document or agreement.

subconscious [ˌsəb-ˈkän(t)-shəs]
subjugate [ˈsəb-ji-ˌgāt]
subliminal [(ˌ)sə-ˈbli-mə-nᵊl]
subversion [səb-ˈvər-zhən]

HYPER means "above or beyond," so hyper- often means about the same thing as super-. Hyperinflation is inflation that growing at a very high rate. To be hypercritical or hypersensitive is to be critical or sensitive beyond the normal. And if you hyperextend a knee or elbow, it means you're actually bending it backward.

hyperactive [ˌhī-pər-ˈak-tiv]
hyperbole [hī-ˈpər-bə-(ˌ)lē]
hypertension [ˌhī-pər-ˈten(t)-shən]
hyperventilate [ˌhī-pər-ˈven-tə-ˌlāt]

PRE one of the most common of all English prefixs, meaning "before" or "in front of." So, a prediction forecasts what will happen before it occurs. The 5:00 TV news precedes the 6:00 news. And someone with a prejudice against a class of people has judged them before having even met them.

preclude [pri-ˈklüd]
precocious [pri-ˈkō-shəs]
predispose [ˌprē-di-ˈspōz]
prerequisite [(ˌ)prē-ˈre-kwə-zət]

PARA meaning "beside" or "closely releated to." So, parallel lines besides each other. And we start a new paragraph on a new line.

paraphrase [ˈper-ə-ˌfrāz]
paralegal [ˌper-ə-ˈlē-gəl]
paramedic [ˌper-ə-ˈme-dik]
paramilitary [ˌper-ə-ˈmi-lə-ˌter-ē]

META is a prefix in English that generally means "behind" or "beyond." In medicine, for example, the metacarpal bones are the hand bones that come right after, or beyond, the carpal or wrist bones. And metalanguage is language used to talk about language, which requires going beyond normal language.

metadata [ˌme-tə-ˈdā-tə]
metaphorical [ˌme-tə-ˈfȯr-i-kəl]
metaphysics [ˌme-tə-ˈfi-ziks]
metonymy [mə-ˈtä-nə-mē]

PER meaning "through," "throughout," or "thoroughly." Thus, perforate means "to bore through," perennial means "throughout the years," and permanent means "remaining throughout." An thoroughly sense shows up in persuade, for "thoroughly advise."

percolate [ˈpər-kə-ˌlāt]
pervade [pər-ˈvād]
permeate [ˈpər-mē-ˌāt]
persevere [ˌpər-sə-ˈvir]

ANT/ANTI meaning "against." An anticlimax is the opposite of a climax. An antiseptic or antibiotic fights germs. An antacid attacks acid in the stomach. And an antidote works against the effects of a poison.

antagonist [an-ˈta-gə-nist]
antigen [ˈan-ti-jən]
antipathy [an-ˈti-pə-thē]
antithesis [an-ˈti-thə-səs]

CONTRA meaning "against" or "contrary to." A contrast "stands against" something else that it's compared to.

contraband [ˈkän-trə-ˌband]
contraindication [ˌkän-trə-ˌin-də-ˈkā-shən]
contravene [ˌkän-trə-ˈvēn]
contrarian [kən-ˈtrer-ē-ən]

Greek and Latin Borrowings

in memoriam [ˌin-mə-ˈmȯr-ē-əm]
magnum opus [ˈmag-nəm-ˈō-pəs]
memento mori [mə-ˈmen-tō-ˈmȯr-ē]
habeas corpus [ˈhā-bē-əs-ˈkȯr-pəs]
rigor mortis [ˌri-gər-ˈmȯr-təs]
sine qua non [ˌsi-ni-ˌkwä-ˈnän]
tabula rasa [ˌta-byə-lə-ˈrä-zə]
terra incognita [ˈter-ə-ˌin-ˌkäg-ˈnē-tə]